Ashley Pilipiszyn

Director, Student Energy

Ashley leads OpenAI’s Developer Ecosystem and Creative Applications Strategy, working with developers to build AI-powered applications that help solve real-world challenges. She managed the Output team and helped lead the launches of OpenAI’s research and commercial products including MuseNet, Jukebox, Rubik’s Cube, Multi-agent, Image GPT, GPT-3 API, CLIP, and DALL-E. Previously, she was with the U.S. Department of Energy SLAC National Accelerator Lab where she led the design, development, and launch of the Grid Resilience & Intelligence Platform (GRIP), which leverages AI to anticipate, absorb, and recover from grid events like wildfires, ice storms, or cyberattacks. She was selected as a World Economic Forum Global Shaper and served on the Advisory Board of the Partnering to Accelerate Sustainable Energy Innovation project. By 30, she had traveled to six continents, 30+ countries, installed three solar microgrids that electrified one of the most remote villages in the Himalayas, and was accepted into the Inaugural Cohort of the Edmund Hillary Fellowship. She earned her Masters from the Graduate Institute Geneva, where she created the world’s first Sustainability-Oriented Innovation Index for Airports© and conducted field work in Abu Dhabi, Los Angeles, and Geneva to evaluate municipal sustainability strategies. She received her Bachelors from Indiana University-Bloomington in Human Biology and Neuroscience.

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