Uganda - Green City Development

Butabika Community Recycling Group (BCRG) is a community social group, based out of Kampala, that collects and sorts domestic solid waste to help achieve zero-waste in communities and enable a circular economy through value additions to waste.

Butabika Community Recycling Group (BCRG) is a community social group, based out of Kampala, that collects and sorts domestic solid waste to help achieve zero-waste in communities and enable a circular economy through value additions to waste. BCRG has been actively taking the lead in diverting plastic waste from the environment to make a transition to a sustainable circular economy. In a matter of a year, , BCRG was able to  removed 15.6 tons of plastic waste from the environment, which is a big milestone for the group.

Participating in the Greenpreneurs program has opened our minds and enabled us to clearly understand our ideas by streamlining our thinking process.

The 1:1 mentorship opportunities with Zanele Sithole, Dagmar  Zwebe (GGGI Uganda country representative ) and Pragya Dawadi have encouraged and advised us on how to run  a successful social enterprise.


BCRG aims to achieve 3 aspects of sustainable impact.

  • Reduce domestic solid waste in communities by collection and sorting for value addition.
  • Create local jobs and income for the Ugandan economy by using waste as a raw material for making various eco-friendly products.

Reduce our carbon emissions and the number of toxins released into the environment to curb climate change.

Out of all of the waste generated in the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area (GKMA), only 40% (587,124 tons) is collected and taken to a landfill, leaving 60% uncollected as a result of poor waste management services and urban population growth. This system fails to recognize that waste has many valuable uses.

BCRG is a community social group protecting the environment from the diverse negative effects of domestic solid waste through the best voluntary and involuntary recycling, reduction, and reuse practices.

We supply plastic waste to  partner organizations to produce  building products while degrading waste is used for soil composting and making briquettes for the community.

Uganda is a developing nation with all the associated problems of an urban population increase, including poor solid waste management systems due to unplanned settlements and capacity. We started this project to involve all stakeholders through volunteering or paid jobs for the collection and sorting of waste, to limit landfilling, indiscriminate disposal, and burning of waste which puts the environment at stake.



tw: @ButabikaB
fb: Butabika Community Recycling Group


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