Chapters Program Spotlight: Mariel Davalos of José Simeón Cañas Central American University (UCA)

We are thrilled to introduce Mariel Davalos, a young leader and alum from the Student Energy Chapter at José Simeón Cañas Central American University (UCA) in El Salvador! Mariel was determined to be a part of the energy transition movement. She is interested to gain further technical knowledge in this field, given the challenges faced by the sector in her country. She quickly joined the Student Energy Chapter at UCA and was also selected for the International Renewable Energy Agency’s (IRENA) Student Leaders Programme in the same year.

Her fellow member at the Student Energy Chapter at UCA spoke highly of Mariel’s passion and commitment:

“Mariel’s personality is amazing, hardworking, and committed, and soon after she officially joined the SE Chapter, where she quickly started contributing, and became a core member from day one.

Her enthusiasm and determination to spread energy and climate awareness led her to represent the Student Energy UCA Chapter this year at the National Youth Conference on Climate Change (LCOY 2022), and it was she who wrote the suggestions section for better regulation in laws/projects to improve the energy transition in El Salvador.”


Connect with Mariel and the Student Energy Chapter at UCA to learn more about their work:

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