Chapters Program Spotlight: Mochamad Arya El Rumy of the University of Padjadjaran

Meet Meet Mochamad Arya El Rumy, a recent graduate of the University of Padjadjaran in Indonesia, and now a Student Energy Chapters alum!

From joining the SE University of Padjadjaran Chapter in 2019, to becoming the Chapter President in early 2022, Rumy has made a significant impact in the Student Energy community and beyond.

“Hello, Enernerds from all over the world! My name is Rumy and I’m the Chairman of Student Energy at Universitas Padjadjaran, located in a tropical country on the equator in Southeast Asia, Indonesia. Through Student Energy, I didn’t only learn about energy issues but also how to manage people, create events and campaigns, and communicate regularly without using my first language. I was pretty surprised myself when this summer we succeeded in collaborating with a chapter from Simon Fraser University in Canada to hold an event called The Professor of The Semester! You can find me on Instagram at @arya.elrumy”

Follow the social accounts of Rumy and the Student Energy Chapter at University of Padjadjaran:

Instagram – @studentenergy.unpad

Instagram – @arya.elrumy

LinkedIn – Mochamad Arya El Rumy

Connect with the Student Energy Chapter at the University of Padjadjaran at