Chapters Spotlight: Robyn MacDonald of Western University

Meet Robyn MacDonald! She is the former President and alum of Student Energy Chapter at Western University in London, Ontario. Currently, she is studying medical sciences and a minor in French.

Robyn is grateful to have been a part of their University’s SE Chapter and finds the experience fruitful, paving the way to growth her network who share similar passions and interests.

“It [Student Energy Western Chapter] was exactly the kind of club I wanted to be involved with. The health of our environment and what society is doing about it has always been a topic of interest of mine, but I had no idea where to start or how I could make an impact. Student Energy Western helped with exactly that and connected me with a network of people on campus who shared the same drive, with the platform of empowering others like me to learn more about the future of energy.We want to learn more about what is being done right here at Western to transition to the clean energy future. Currently, there is a plan for our campus to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 through various energy retrofit initiatives and integrations to the energy loop. Student Energy Western is looking to dive deeper into these goals by educating our members to give them a better scope of what is being done at Western, allowing for reflection and critical appraisal of these efforts.” – Robyn Macdonald, former President of SE Chapter at Western University

To learn more about the Student Energy at Western University and their initiatives, connect with them on Instagram @studentenergyuwo, their LinkedIn account at Student Energy at Western University, or go to our website.

Finding interest in starting a Student Energy Chapter at your university? Go to Starting a Chapter on our website and fill out an Expression of Interest form!