#OpportunityAlert: Events and Opportunities in November 2020

External Events & Opportunities

November 30 (10:00 AM PST)

December 1, 2020 (2:00 PM PST)

Energizing North America. Opportunities for a Clean Energy Transition

North America is a powerhouse of innovation and will play a vital role in transitioning to a global cleaner economy. With a new leadership in the USA in 2021, the region will face enormous challenges but also big opportunities in helping our world transition to a cleaner and more sustainable energy.

Join to discuss and help design a clean energy roadmap along with leaders in tech and innovation, public policy and markets, finance and infrastructure, leadership and gender, utilities and smart cities. Our Executive Director, Meredith Adler will be speaking at this event.

Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/energizing-north-america-opportunities-for-a-clean-energy-transition-tickets-128433525131

December 2, 2020 (1:00 – 2:30 PM EST)

From the traditional sustainable business paradigm to the regenerative capitalist framework- Roundtable

Join corporate and youth leaders from Canada to discuss questions crucial to attaining a sustainable, prosperous, and socially just future.

Background: Read this short self-assessment document (https://tinyurl.com/challengecanada) that includes questions that young leaders feel are under-discussed in the corporate sustainability world, but are crucial to attaining a sustainable, prosperous, and socially just future within a generation. It was created by 20 youth organizations representing over 200 young leaders from across Canada.

Format and goals of the roundtables: accessible at https://tinyurl.com/roundtablesformat

If you are interested in joining as a youth participant, please email garethgransaull@gmail.com.

Register at: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/corporate-youth-roundtables-tickets-117470867527

December 3 and 4, 2020 (5:00AM – 9:00PM UTC)

Solar World Congress at 50 (SWC50)

SWC 50 consists of six individual sessions – find the sessions below to learn more about the session, speakers and to register.

You will register for each session individually and we invite you to join us on as many sessions you would like! Remember, SWC 50 is free to attend!

To register, click on your session of choice below: on the top left you will see a light grey box. In this box, there is an orange button that says “Register here!” – click on the button and you will be taken to the registration form for this session. Once your registration is complete, you will receive a confirmation email from GoToWebinar which includes your link to join the session.

For more information: https://www.swc50.org/programme/virtual-conference-programme

December 6, 2020

REN21 Internship Opportunity

REN21 is seeking an intern to support the production process and launch of the second edition of the Renewables in Cities Global Status Report, which is a new product series, highlighting the role of cities in the energy transition.

The internship lasts six months and is paid. Candidate should be available to start in February/March 2021 and must be a recent graduate, currently a student or in between university degrees.

For more information: https://www.ren21.net/about-us/work-with-us/


November 24,  2020  (10:00 AM PST)

Creating Inclusive Workplaces: Insights from Canadian Youth Webinar  

The webinar will be on how to create a more diverse workplace, and adopt inclusive workplace practices. You will hear from a Diversity and Inclusion expert and top youth talent on practical ways to create and nurture inclusive workplaces. It is hosted by Leading Change and Natural Resources Canada | Ressources naturelles Canada. Our Future Skills Coordinator, Tai Jacob will be moderating the Webinar.

For more information: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Wxw1kc6jRFehKUozhpEgMQ

November 26, 2020 (1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EST)

Live Panel and Q&A: Discussing Canada’s Energy Future

This panel will focus on the national conversation surrounding Canada’s energy future. It will highlight the collaborations that are needed to transition Canada to a low carbon energy future, how stakeholders can depolarize Canada’s energy debate, and the global cooperative approaches Canada can learn from.

For more information: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/live-panel-and-qa-discussing-canadas-energy-future-tickets-128629146239

November 27, 2020

CAS 2021 Call for youth reporters on climate adaptation

CAS 2021 is offering 15-20 young people from all over the world a chance to report on CAS 2021 via the CAS channels and their own networks. They are inviting young bloggers, vloggers, photographers, press cartoonists and other young content creators to apply to become one of the selected CAS 2021 young reporters.

For more information: https://www.cas2021.com/press/youth-press-programme

November 28-29, 2020 (10 AM – between 1:15 and 5:30 PM GMT+)

Virtual Malaysian Local Conference of Youth 

The theme for this year’s conference is: Mobilising for a Green Post-COVID Recovery.
The conference aims to inspire, empower and mobilize a generational movement of youth. It will highlight solutions that are needed to address climatechange, ensuring the post-Covid-19 recovery is a green one.

For more information: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfqs7pP3aKR99vog-RYXp8oXBYCh49CHln9JoMcbrf_lNs2xOw/viewform

November 29, 2020

“Women in Clean Cooking” Mentorship Program Opens Call for Applications

The “Women in Clean Cooking” (WICC) mentorship program, which will support women across Africa and Asia, is now accepting applications to its inaugural class. WICC is also looking for senior professionals to serve as mentors and deliver a positive impact on more junior level women in the sustainable energy sector.

The application criteria are as follows:

  • Must be a national from Africa or Asia and working in any country in Africa or Asia.
  • Must be a woman working in clean cooking, with a strong personal interest in contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 7 and supporting the engagement of other women in the process.
  • Must work in an early to mid-career position, with 2-10 years of work experience.

For more information: https://www.globalwomennet.org/call-for-applications-women-in-clean-cooking-mentorship-program/