Are you interested in climate change action and the future of energy? Have big ideas on how the world can transform its energy system to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement? Apply now to join the OGCI Challenge team! 


The team of six individuals from across the globe will collaborate with the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI), a voluntary, CEO-led oil and gas industry initiative that aims to accelerate the industry’s response to climate change. After learning about the organization’s work, including directly from OGCI staff, the Challenge team will be tasked with creating a report with recommendations to challenge and support OGCI’s existing and future climate action.

This is a unique opportunity to learn from critical players in the energy industry and have a meaningful voice as young climate leaders. The team will have access to direct interviews with OGCI staff and staff from the member companies that participate in OGCI workstreams. The team will also be coached by Student Energy on research and presentation skills. You will also have an incredible opportunity to understand from the inside how the oil and gas majors are  working on the energy transition towards net zero emissions, having the opportunity to collaborate with experts in the field along the way. This is a unique opportunity, offered by OGCI, to make recommendations that will help shape the low carbon future of some of the world’s largest energy companies and the future of your generation.

At the end of the challenge, the team will collectively write a report and recommendations for OGCI and its member companies. The team will also present its findings to the CEOs of each of the member companies and gain high-level exposure for their ideas. 

Young people between the ages of 18-30 from all countries, and all educational and professional backgrounds are invited to apply. 

Applications are open until June 10, 23:59 UTC, 2020.


1) How long is the term of the challenge team? 

The challenge team will work together from mid-June 2020, to the end of September 2020. In this time they will conduct research into OGCI and work together to write the report recommendations for the final report to be delivered in mid-September. After report writing is complete the team will prepare their presentation for the CEOs the presentation will take place between October – December 2020 – timing will be confirmed at a later date. 

2) What is the time commitment of the challenge team?

The time commitment is a minimum of 25 hours spread evenly from June-September 2020 with an additional 5 hours of presentation preparation. If there is interest, challenge team members may spend more time on the research and report writing. 

3) What recognition will you receive?

All team members will be listed as authors of the report that will be posted publicly on Student Energy’s website. You will also have the opportunity to be featured on our blog and social media. Opportunities for building your professional network, building your skill set and publishing more of your work may become available during the challenge. 

4) What support will the team have?

The challenge team will be directly coached by Student Energy’s staff. They will learn about how to effectively work with and advocate for change with a high-level audience, how to conduct research, presentation skills, in-depth energy knowledge, in-depth knowledge of Paris Agreement targets and more.