MEXICO - Green City Development (Smart Recycling)

Climate change affects us all; it is the greatest challenge of this generation. Like you, we want to contribute to take care of our planet. This is why ReciclApp was born, so that everyone can recycle easily from home! With ReciclApp, you can ensure that all your recyclables (whether paper, cardboard, plastics, glass, or cans) will be properly recycled. Receive rewards for helping the environment! Are you ready to be a part of the solution?

“In our region, recycling is almost non-existent. We set out to optimize the waste managment process, and that implies changing people’s habits. That is always a challenge. Not everyone can find the time to take their waste to recycling centers, much less make it a habit. After testing several models, we came to what ReciclApp is today, the simplest way for people to recycle”.

By using ReciclApp, together we achieve:
  1. Recycling more than two-thirds of all waste produced: We divert all your recyclables to the appropriate destination to extend the life of the resources.
  2. Minimize greenhouse gases: You can verify through the app the amount of emissions you helped prevent.
  3. Being part of the ReciclApp community: Fortunately, good habits are contagious. Once the first users start recycling, everybody else in the community joins in!

ReciclApp: “To inspire and enable every person in the world to protect and secure our planet’s resources”

“Greenpreneurs helped us evolve ReciclApp in the areas we needed. We connected with experts, reviewed our strategy, set up operations, and tested several iterations. We launched our MVP and beta tests in Torreon, Coahuila, while we tested hypotheses and improved our project. Greenpreneurs propelied us to achieve such meaningful results in less than 3 months! Beyond being a worldwide startup competition, this program is a great acceleration for all participants. We’re all contributing to solve the greatest challenge of this generation!”

Whatsapp: +52 871 2124965