
Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Caribbean

It was my first year of college, and I was in finance pre-med, intending to move into consulting for big pharma companies. I had taken all my classes in chemistry and biology; however, talking to people, I quickly realized moving into finance, I could explore several other career opportunities that I previously was unaware of, and I shouldn’t niche myself off to healthcare. Leveraging my location in the world’s energy capital: Houston, I joined a middle-market private equity firm that worked in renewables, industrials, and utilities. Spending over a year with them, I realized energy and specifically sustainable development was a region I was interested in, and I had to get more experience as soon as possible.

This is where SEC-T came into place; though there were a lot of opportunities near me since they required a significant time commitment, they were impossible for me to take advantage of. SEC-T’s career training program lets you mold the program to your schedule. I spent half my time in seminars and lessons from industry professionals and the other half gaining real work experience with a venture firm specifically focused on space. My experience was nothing less than impressive, and I still keep up with the connections I made within SEC-T. The program is both for industry professionals and people looking to learn how to create a space for themselves within this energy transition. Though it has been over a year since I engaged with the program, I still stay connected through the alum network they have created and will attend the Student Energy Summit they hosted later this year. SEC-T was one of the pillars I used to lay the knowledge I know now, and I will forever be a part of their family for that. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions.
