Chapters Program Spotlight: UADY

Today we’re thrilled to amplify the work of one of our powerhouse Chapters, Student Energy at Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. Check out their statement below on their structure, principles, and ambitions.

Student Energy at UADY is a multi-disciplinary chapter in Yucatan, Mexico. We are in the Faculty of Chemical Engineering, where we study engineering and scientific careers. The executive team is led by Sofia as President, Vice-president Majo and Coordinators Valkiria, Gabriela, Alejandra, Eduardo and Nathalia. Our mission is to motivate the university community with interest in the energy sector, climate change, sustainable development and anyone who wants to make a big change in their communities.

We continue to work for the environment as we observe and feel the consequences of climate change in our communities daily, which are often the result of the lack of action of our authorities. That is why we avoid being just spectators and inspire each other to become agents of change, fighting for a fair energy transition for all.

Citizen participation and creating environmental awareness in our community is very important to us. We are all facing the same catastrophic fate, but we should not sit back and wait for that, we must understand that every action counts to continue inspiring others and join this awakening for the environment. Another issue that we frequently address is energy poverty, since in Mexico a large percentage of the population is in a situation of poverty. For this reason, we believe that we must continue to raise our voices and fight for access to clean energy for all.

As a student chapter we have collaborated with different associations participating in conferences, panel tables, workshops, summits, among other events at regional, national, and international levels. Similarly, we have organized events that encourage student participation in projects with an environmental impact through cultural, artistic, and academic activities. We have also supported government projects with our young perspective and always promoting the importance of human rights and environmental awareness. Our star project is the Student Energy at UADY Podcast, our first season was a series of episodes around the topic of citizen participation in projects around the energy sector, where we talked about human rights, environmental activism, energy transition in Yucatan, community projects and much more.

We also impulse ANUSE (National University Alliance of the Energy Sector) an initiative of the student energy chapters in Mexico. We collaborate with Student Energy at Polytechnic Institute of Mexico, University of Guadalajara and Poza Rica to promote a national network of energy leaders.

For the Student Energy at UADY team, it is important to motivate ourselves with the actions of great climate leaders. True influencers of our generation like Greta Thunberg and Charlotte from noseaswaste. As well as Mexican activists who risked their lives for our ecosystems such as Isaac Herrera Aviles, Paulina Gomez Palacio Escudero, Jaime Jimenez Ruíz and Homero Gomez Gonzalez. Our greatest mentor is Dr. Salvador Castell, an important environmental activist from our region who has supported our steps as young leaders. He is president of Va por la Tierra, they have a website where we read the best climate news in the region (

We want to continue inspiring more young people to join the movement. Bring more activities with an impact on our community and promote the strengthening of the rural areas of our State. We plan to continue collaborating with other Student Energy chapters and learn new perspectives and opinions.

Student Energy has been a great support for us, especially thanks to our coordinator Vaughn who motivates us to continue with our activities and answers all of our questions.

If you are interested in being part of Student Energy, don’t think twice. This movement has united us as friends and allies for the planet. It is time to stand up together and make the difference in our communities.

Only one can’t change the world, but one by one we can inspire the world.

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Instagram: studentenergyuady (
Facebook: Student Energy at UADY (
Twitter: SEatUADY (
Tiktok: seatuady (
Spotify: Student Energy at UADY Podcast (
YouTube: Student Energy at UADY