Announcing the Global Youth Energy Outlook

A first of its kind report, the Global Youth Energy Outlook will set the baseline for what young people expect from the sustainable energy transition, and how they want to work with governments and energy industry companies to make change happen. 

Today, Student Energy is launching the Global Youth Energy Outlook! The Outlook’s 6-month research process is currently underway, led by a team of youth Regional Coordinators around the world. We will be sharing insights and initial findings throughout the process, and will invite young people, energy leaders, and other organizations to collaborate as we build the report. The final report and its findings, including recommendations for governments and industry, is expected to be launched in time for the COP 26 UN climate change conference.

A first of its kind report, the Outlook will set the baseline for what young people expect from the sustainable energy transition, and how they want to work with governments and energy industry companies to make change happen. 

Learn more about the Outlook, and the team that’s helping to make it all happen at

Our goals

  • To empower young people to effectively communicate with their elected representatives and other decision makers
  • To demonstrate that young people around the world have the ability to come together in a cohesive way to imagine their energy future, making young people one of the most important partners in building a sustainable energy system
  • To demystify what young people want want to see in the sustainable energy transition, and outline the principles to guide the transition

How is the Outlook being developed?

With Student Energy, twelve youth Regional Coordinators from around the world are working to engage a total of 50,000 young people in a 6-month long research process to identify young people’s priorities for their region across policy, technology, society, and finance. 

Following a two-phase research process, they will develop regional roadmaps to 2030, outlining how their region can decarbonize its energy system, and how young people want to be part of that transition. 

These regional roadmaps will be a guide for policymakers and elected representatives, companies in the energy sector, academic institutions, and other organizations to be able to form more meaningful and equitable relationships with young people in their region.

With uncertainty about the long-term impacts of COVID-19 on the world’s resiliency and climate commitments, it will be more important than ever that young people are empowered and mobilized to raise ambition on the sustainable energy transition in the next decade. 

What’s next

Phase 1 Research Questionnaire

The development of the Outlook takes place in two phases: a broad questionnaire aimed at young people 18-30 from all backgrounds, followed by a Phase II that includes regional community dialogues. Fill out the questionnaire here.

Regional Coordinator Interview Series

In the next few days, we will introduce each of our Regional Coordinators through an interview series on Student Energy Stories and on our Instagram.

Partnership Launch

The Outlook development process couldn’t take place without the important contributions of our funding partners and strategic partners. Over the next few weeks, we will introduce our partners, outline the support they’re providing for the Outlook, and share new partnership opportunities.