Chapters Spotlight: Brenna Rempel of University of Manitoba


Meet Brenna Rempel, the current President of the Student Energy University of Manitoba (SEUM) Chapter! She was a 2021 Student Energy Fellow and is one of the members of the first cohort of the SE Guided Projects University of Manitoba team.

In 2019, Brenna became an integral part of the Student Energy network, leading the SEUM Chapter at her University. She was appointed as the President of the Chapter, where she consistently engaged her peers in energy-related projects, attended sustainability events, and cultivated insights from professionals within the Student Energy network. A particular focus for Brenna is sustainable design for buildings and cities, reflecting a great interest and concern for environmental practices and sustainability.

SEUM, under Brenna’s leadership, has accomplished several noteworthy projects, including a comprehensive review of their University’s climate action plan, an energy efficiency study targeting hot water pipes in a remote cabin, and the production of an educational video highlighting their university’s district heating system. Beyond their project initiatives, SEUM hosts various educational and social events, ranging from brewery tours and nature hikes to escape rooms, energy Jeopardy, and computer-aided design software tutorials. They also commit to efforts such as an annual community clean-up, reflecting a holistic approach to community involvement.

To learn more about SEUM and their initiatives, follow their Instagram account, @studentenergyuofm. The platform serves as a hub for sharing insightful content related to sustainable practices.

Finding interest in starting a Student Energy Chapter at your university? Go to Starting a Chapter on our website and fill out an Expression of Interest form!