Join Our Board of Directors

The deadline has now passed. Thank you for all those who applied. You will hear from us soon.

Student Energy is seeking two (2) youth Directors from its alumni network to join its Board of Directors. The Board of Directors serves as Student Energy’s legal governance body and is responsible for the adoption of bylaws and policies, the establishment of any special committees, the stewardship of long-term financial health, and the fulfillment of the organization’s mission.

The Board meets on a quarterly basis by phone or video conference. The approximate time commitment is 5-7 hours/month. Terms of appointed Directors are two (2) years in length.

Please read the full position description here: Board of Director Position Description.

Applicants must be from Student Energy’s Alumni Network. You’re an alumnus of Student Energy if you have taken part in any of the following programs:
Student Energy Chapter
Student Energy Summit
The Leaders Fellowship
Space for Youth
The Global Youth Energy Outlook

Applicants must also be 18-35 years old. While Directors sit on the Board they cannot participate in Student Energy programs, but they may return to programs after their term.

Complete this application form by December 18, 2020 to apply.