March 4, 2021

A Rally for Energy Justice

Join our 2021 SevenGen Indigenous Youth Energy Summit Co-Chair, Jordyn Burnouf, and other speakers, as they share stories about the challenges of living with a high energy burden and working for change in Canada.

Register: efficiencycanada.org/a-virtual-rall

March 8, 2021

Solar for Women: Changing Lives and Igniting Possibilities

Highlight the role solar energy can play in bringing  change in lives of women; encouraging investment in gender-responsive solar projects across the world.

Join: us02web.zoom.us/webinar/regist

March 16, 2021

Empower Women, Energize the World

Join to learn about Investments in energy empower women, Women can accelerate energy transition.

RSVP: bit.ly/3aKxtKq

March 16, 2021

Decarbonizing Transportation: New Canada-US Policy Opportunities

In Canada & US, transportation accounts for about one quarter of emissions. How can the two governments support environmentally friendly commuting options? Join “Decarbonizing Transportation: New Canada-US Policy Opportunities” webinar.

Register: bit.ly/3sSP6hd

March 17, 2021

How Electricity Can Help Canada Achieve Net-Zero GHG Emissions by 2050

Join us on the 17th, 2-4 pm EDT for the March webinar, How Electricity Can Help Canada Achieve Net-Zero GHG Emissions by 2050.

Register now: ow.ly/rMxj50DGZKi

March 18, 2021

Women as Catalysts in the Future of Energy Access

Join the webinar for a discussion on the role of women as Catalysts in the Future of Energy Access. The event is organized by the Power For All, SmartPowerIndia, and Rockefeller Foundation.

Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_yJyLuQFCRLKJWwIoogjNOQ

March 23, 2021

ICE CoLab: Indigenous Leadership in the Oneida Energy Storage Project

The project is a planned 250MW system that would perform multiple applications to benefit the electricity system and help integrate large shares of renewable energy.

Register now for the CoLab on March 23, 2021, using this link: attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/67560

March 25, 2021

Capturing Climate Canadian Photography Contest

What does climate action look like to you? Take photos and enter the British High Commission, in Ottawa’s Capturing Climate Canadian Photography Contest for a chance to have your photo used as part of a national campaign by the UK Government on Climate Change!

To learn more, visit: https://ukincanada.com

March 25, 2021

Open Studio: Canada’s Net Zero Future

Join us for a discussion on what just and climate-resilient futures mean for young people, and particularly, how we can re-imagine and rebuild systems which prevent climate action, including Net Zero work.

Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/open-studio-canadas-net-zero-futures-tickets-145561381009