Natural Resources Canada announces support for youth-led energy and climate research project

VANCOUVER – Student Energy is excited to announce Natural Resources Canada’s support of the Global Youth Energy Outlook (GYEO), a first of its kind report that will bridge the data gaps that exist between the climate action young people want to see and the commitments being made by governments and companies.

Through a $75,000 contribution agreement, Natural Resources Canada will enable Student Energy to expand outreach activities to engage a diverse group of young people aged 18-30 across Canada. Youth will be engaged through a questionnaire available in 11 languages, and through a series of Regional Dialogues (facilitated in both English and French) that will take place throughout 2021. Dialogues will be independently led by Student Energy’s youth team, and will explore topics including the role of clean energy in Indigenous communities, energy and the built environment, a green recovery for Canada, and energy efficiency and conservation.

“Young people are the ones who will be most affected by climate change. So they’re critical in this fight. They’re sharing their ideas about the future of energy and what a green recovery means for them, and we’re helping them make it a reality,” says the Honourable Seamus O’Regan Jr., Minister of Natural Resources.

The GYEO is led by 12 Regional Coordinators between the age of 18 to 30 around the world, each of whom bring expertise in energy, research, policy, international development, and youth engagement.

Tianna Philippot, Regional Coordinator for Canada, is a Métis woman based in Winnipeg, Manitoba. “It’s important to hear the perspectives of young people in my region as they are the future of the world who will ultimately suffer the greatest consequences from climate change. This is one of the many reasons the Outlook is so important,” says Philippot.

The Global Youth Energy Outlook report will be released publicly at the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in November 2021.

About Student Energy: Student Energy is a global youth-led organization and registered Canadian charity empowering the next generation of leaders who are accelerating the transition to a sustainable, equitable energy future.


Shakti Ramkumar, Director of Communications and Policy

+1 604 445 4306