Kakembo Galabuzi Brian – CEO, WEYE Clean Energy Company, Ltd.

Student Energy Summit 2015 Alumnus Greenpreneurs 2018 Winning Team

Kakembo Galabuzi Brian was inspired to start the Waste to Energy Youth Project at an Innovation Jam at the 2015 Student Energy Summit in Bali, Indonesia. The project aimed to rally youth to transition East Africa from wood fuel to affordable fuel briquettes and bio-gas. Initially, Kakembo’s initiative engaged over 200 young people, with the goal of providing energy for the 85% of Ugandans who cannot afford clean energy sources. As of 2019, the project has become a fully fledged commercial enterprise with 12 full-time and 4 part-time staff working across two production units. In addition to producing and distributing briquette stoves, WEYE Clean Energy Company also holds training workshops for women and youth, leading them to be awarded the iF Social Impact Prize. Demand for WEYE’s technology and products is currently growing faster than their production capacity, a positive indicator that the sustainable energy transition in Uganda is underway.

“Diversity in education, gender, language, location, origin, culture and nationality will be a very big advantage to any initiative. In my case, my finance background was helpful in sourcing and managing funds, but every colleague in the initiative plays a unique role” – Kakembo Galabuzi Brian

Learn more about WEYE Clean Energy Company and Brian’s story:
A snapshot into the social and environmental impact of the Waste to Energy Youth Project. Video by Kakmebo Galabuzi Brian.