5 Reasons to Explore the New Student Energy Website

Last year, Student Energy celebrated our 10th anniversary as an organization, and we’ve grown so much in our first decade! To mark the start of a decade, we began the process of overhauling our website to better reflect the impact we’ve made as a global youth-led movement. With a fresh look, the new studentenergy.org features brand new ways to explore our ever-expanding ecosystem of programs and will include frequent updates from our team and our global youth network.

Last year, Student Energy celebrated our 10th anniversary as an organization, and we’ve grown so much in our first decade! To mark the start of a decade, we began the process of overhauling our website to better reflect the impact we’ve made as a global youth-led movement. With a fresh look, the new studentenergy.org features brand new ways to explore our ever-expanding ecosystem of programs and will include frequent updates from our team and our global youth network. Here are just five of our favourite new features:

1. A new way to explore Chapters

Chapters are student-led post-secondary clubs that take action in their region through leading community engagement projects, energy education initiatives, and implementing tangible energy projects. We currently have 43 Chapters at universities across the world! Interested in what they’re up to? Chapters now have a dedicated space in the website to showcase their projects and events!

2. Meet the young leaders participating and leading our programs

There’s a lot going on at Student Energy! Currently, over 200 young people around the world are participating in three Student Energy programs: the inaugural Leaders Fellowship, the second SevenGen Indigenous Youth Energy Summit, and the third cohort of Greenpreneurs.

  • The Student Energy Leaders Fellowship launched for the first time in January 2020. The Leaders Fellowship is a 10-month web-based educational program paired with mentorship and a team community project. 54 teams are currently participating from 42 different countries, and have already made tremendous impacts with their projects: from energy podcasts (Nigeria), to implementing campus solar-powered electric bike share (Indonesia), to supporting rural farmers in the COVID-19 pandemic (Nepal) – find out what they’re doing here
  • SevenGen commits to empowering both Indigenous youth and energy kin to continue improving connections and understandings for a shared energy vision. A vision first pitched during the Innovation Jam at the 2017 International Student Energy Summit in Merida, Mexico by co-chairs Cory Beaver and Disa Crow Chief, the first ever Sevengen in January 2019 was one of the most diverse youth events in Canada’s history. The next Sevengen is set to take place in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan in March 2021. Meet the organizing committee
  • Greenpreneurs grew out of the collective goal of three organizations: Global Green Growth Institute, Student Energy, and Youth Climate Lab, who wanted to support young people develop a sustainable idea or solution that would positively impact their communities. In just 3 years, Greenpreneurs alumni have delivered amazing successes, with Kakembo Galabuzi Brian, a winner from the first cohort in 2018, recently being named 2020 Commonwealth Person of the Year, and 2019 winner Kimuli Fashionability stepping up with accessibility-friendly masks in response to the COVID-19 pandemic . Learn more

3. The Global Youth Energy Outlook

The Global Youth Energy Outlook (GYEO) will engage the Student Energy community of 50,000 youth, a diverse set of research partners, and energy leaders to facilitate intergenerational collaboration. The GYEO seeks to close the existing data gap on youth engagement on energy while demonstrating how young people are thinking critically and collaboratively about pragmatic and systems-level solutions to the energy transition. In addition, the GYEO aims to increase accountability of decision-makers to work meaningfully with young people on the energy agenda. Through this project, we hope to deepen global youth engagement on energy by providing young people with the tools to work with actors in the energy system and provide a data-backed tool to promote the youth agenda. Meet the GYEO Regional Coordinators.

4. Student Energy Stories

Student Energy Stories showcase the impact that our current program participants and alumni are making in their communities toward a sustainable energy future. From leading community engagement projects to writing to technology development to social enterprises, we are always inspired by the ways young people in our network are leveraging our programs and working together to take action.

5. The Energy Systems Map 2.0

First launched in 2015, the Energy Systems Map and its accompanying videos have reached over 11 million global users, with a diverse audience ranging from high school to post-graduate students, energy companies, community organizations, educators, and more. Our systems-level visual overview of the global energy system has made our map a unique, dynamic educational tool. For the launch of our new website, we’ve updated the Energy System Map with an updated user interface with improved mobile accessibility, a searchable Energy Topics Index version, and a brand new layer of topics we’ve called ‘Influences’. Influences are some of the most important social, economic, and ecological factors that intersect with the energy system. Learn more about how we developed our energy education content here.