Alums Feature: Alec Macklis

Alec Macklis – USA
Founder and CEO of Gridspan Energy

At SES 2017 in Merida, Mexico, Alec gained access to key advisors and mentors who have helped him to build his company, Gridspan Energy. The company is pioneering new market and new use-case for energy storage systems with clear value and market in small island developing states (SIDS). To date they have raised over $700,000 in funding, have public-facing signature and agreement of 1st project with both the Government of Anguilla and ANGLEC a local utility. Alec has lived the Student Energy experience of creating a company that understands multi-disciplinary nature of energy and the challenging road of commercializing a novel, technology-enabled business model.

Student Energy has had a huge influence on my career path. I ended up meeting a great mentor who was a founder of Student Energy, a co-founder of Student Energy: Janice Tran and she played a big role in mentoring me and advising during the last two years of starting this company” – Alec Macklis