Alums Feature: Ashley Pilipiszyn

Ashley Pilipiszyn – USA
Project Lead, Grid Resilience & Intelligence Platform Participant, Global Himalayan Expedition

Ashley first attended SES 2013 in Trondheim, Norway as a biotech student at Harvard. Inspired by her participation in the Summit, she decided to switch gears to work on energy systems, after learning that transitioning the energy sector is one of the greatest challenges facing the planet. Now, Ashley’s mission is to create a sustainable energy future by using AI for Planetary Good. Ashley is currently a PhD student at Stanford University in Management Science & Engineering and Computer Science, the Project Lead for the Grid Resilience & Intelligence Platform, the Science Communicator of OpenAI, and participated in the 2017 Global Himalayan Expedition where she electrified one of the most remote villages in the Himalayas by installing three solar microgrids.