Yazan Zamel

Guided Projects Coordinator, Student Energy

Yazan Zamel is a dedicated advocate for clean energy and equitable energy access, with a profound passion for technology, sustainability, and community service. He was recently named as Canada’s Top 25 Environmentalists Under 25 in 2023. Prior to joining Student Energy, Yazan worked as an environmental researcher at the Transportation and Air Quality Research Group, Energy Efficiency Consultant, and Sustainability Research Assistant.

Through his role at the Sustainable Engineers Association, Yazan reached to more than 2500+ post-secondary students in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) by executing and hosting international and regional sustainability conferences, career fairs, and educational programs to mobilize and inspire youth for climate action. Yazan is also an alumni of the Student Leaders Programme (SLP) hosted by International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). His responsibility with Student Energy is primarily to support the Guided Projects. Outside of work, Yazan enjoys spending time with his cat!

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