Looking for Regional Coordinators

Represent your region in the Global Youth Energy Outlook

Apply here to be considered for ten regional coordinator positions currently open

The Global Youth Energy Outlook is currently seeking young energy leaders to collaborate on a unique research project, which will present the perspectives of 50,000 young people around the world on what urgently needs to happen in the energy transition.

Regional Coordinators will play a critical role in defining the engagement strategy and success metrics for their region’s youth perspectives. Coordinators will engage young leaders from their own networks, Student Energy’s networks (Chapters, Leaders and Alumni), and more broadly to gather their insights for the final report.

Ten Coordinators will be recruited to represent ten regions around the world, defined by their unique energy, population, and geographic contexts. Student Energy will explore opportunities to scale up and recruit additional Coordinators in key sub-regions or geographic contexts if possible. This process will be to ensure representation from Indigenous communities, young people in rural and remote settings, and Small Island Developing States (SIDS).

The role consists of working with Student Energy’s Outlook Project Manager and Student Energy’s Research Associate to co-create a strategy for engaging your region and train support teams of citizen scientists to support you in gathering statistically significant datasets.

In addition to the research component of the role, there will be a communications component. Student Energy is working to create opportunities and provide support for  Coordinators to attend key outreach points in the lead up to releasing the final report, with space to speak about your experience leading energy discussions in their region. Key outreach points may include convenings like the Sustainable Energy for All Forum (Kigali), P4G Summit (Seoul), and COP 26 (Glasgow). More details on confirmed outreach activities that Student Energy can support will be provided in April 2020.

The commitment is approximately 5 hours per week over six months from April 1st, 2020 through September 30th, 2020. Due to the more significant commitment required for this role, a paid stipend will be provided. 

Apply Here

What are the objectives of the Global Youth Energy Outlook?

Close the data gap that exists on youth engagement on energy and demonstrate how young people are thinking critically and collaboratively about pragmatic and systems-level solutions to decarbonize our energy system.

  1. Increase the accountability of decision-makers to work meaningfully with young people on the energy agenda, by ensuring that the core call-to-action of the outlook is concise and gains profile, and by providing young people with a data-backed tool to hold decision-makers accountable to delivering on the youth agenda.
  2. Deepen global youth engagement on energy by providing young with the tools to work with actors in their energy system and with the collective learning experience of working to gather, analyze and synthesize insights from their peers.