Luta Brand Ambassadors- Post-secondary students

Luta is aiming to spread the message on the climate change and the app across Canada, and is looking to enrol Student Brand Ambassadors from the Sustainability, Environment or Clean Tech fields.

Link: https://www.lutaapp.com/work-with-us

6 April, 2021

Preparing Today’s Youth for Tomorrow’s Energy Industry

Join Refinitiv Energy webinar: Preparing Today’s Youth for Tomorrow’s Energy Industry.

Link: bit.ly/3cWVcqN

6 April, 2021

Gender and Equity Lens in Capacity Building for SDG7

Join the fifth YSEH Webinar Series event to learn about gender and equity considerations in capacity building efforts for Clean Energy.

Register: bit.ly/3wvYQ3C

12 April, 2021

HLDE- UN High-Level Dialogue on Energy

UNDP is launching consultations with young leaders to ensure diverse youth perspectives are included in the UN High-Level Dialogue on Energy. Young people globally are invited to join and add their voice.

12-30 April, 2021

The High-Level Dialogue on Energy: Youth Perspectives

It’s your chance to influence the decisions our governments are making to achieve NetZero by 2050. We need your ideas to define what’s next for energy. Join the consultation on the High-Level Dialogue on Energy.

Visit: bit.ly/3drBbsK

14 April, 2021

Sustainable Energy and Human Health Webinar.

Energy use is central to the society & provides many health benefits. But they also entail some health risks. Join the energy experts to learn more.

Link: globalhealth.duke.edu/events/sustain

15 April, 2021

Atlas of Energy Efficiency Brazil, 2020, Main Findings

Join for a discussion on Energy Efficiency in Brazil, and key findings from the Atlas of Energy Efficiency report. The webinar will include simultaneous translation between Portuguese and English.

Link: iea.li/3wOfZ9a

20 April, 2021

Global Dialogue: Scaling a Clean Energy Food Transformation

Join the virtual discussion on the most innovative approaches to unlock the potential of Renewable Energy to transform Food Systems in Africa and Asia.

Link: buff.ly/3mdUGIW

21 April 2021

Energy Self Portraits Challenge

Energy Self Portraits is collecting photographs and stories related to the theme of energy for the third and final round of collections and prizes. Gather your family and take a photo with your appliances for a chance to win cash prizes!


28-29 April, 2021

Navigating Career and Business Opportunities

Clean tech hub is hosting a 2-day FREE Energy Access Bootcamp for young people in Nigeria. Join the session to learn more about the bootcamp & $10,000 funding opportunity for renewable energy businesses.