Student Energy Partnership Principles

By Helen Watts



Given the sensitive nature of the energy debate, the current global climate crisis, and different energy contexts around the world, Student Energy abides by a strict ethics policy whereby partners are valuable stakeholders but do not have influence over the presentation of content, materials, or programs. All partnerships are formed with the intention of helping organizations to internalize the value of working with youth. Being transparent about where Student Energy receives funding and the role that partners play in the organization is crucial to our integrity.

Please scroll below for more detail on our Partnership Principles and Youth Engagement Principles.


The mission of Student Energy is to accelerate the next generation of energy leaders, by creating change agents in young people and making space for youth to act in the energy system.

We encourage a diversity of organizations to fund the work of Student Energy, as we believe every actor needs to be at the table and every diverse context and perspective of the energy system represented if the world is to transition to a sustainable energy future that truly leaves no one behind.

Student Energy does not advocate for a specific energy mix; we empower and educate youth to be critical thinkers who are capable of engaging productively with diverse energy actors, determining what their ideal energy transition looks like, and advocating for and influencing that energy future to happen. If we were to exclude a particular organization, this would reflect a specific stance that Student Energy takes on that energy path, which goes against a core value of our organization.

Transitioning our world to a sustainable energy future will take the collective action of industry, government, non-profits and students and as such we actively seek support from every possible stakeholder group and have done so for all previous events we have held.

One important value to emphasize is that Student Energy advocates for and stands behind climate science. Therefore, we do not support the work of or invite funding from organizations who are not recognizing the need for taking bold action on the current climate crisis consistent with the Paris Agreement and who are not committed to meaningfully engaging with youth on climate solutions for their organization. We will only work with organizations who understand the value of young people and the need to engage with them.


I. No partner or funder will ever be permitted to control our program and content.

II. Should a potential funder place conditions on their funding that would prevent us from sharing all perspectives on any topic, this request will be flatly refused.

III. Partnerships are built with the trust that Student Energy best understands our community. We will find the best ways to meaningfully engage with our network to ensure the appropriate presentation of your organization’s brand and work.

IV. All partnerships must directly benefit youth. Benefits mean that Student Energy will receive direct contributions (in-kind or financial) to support our operations, the funder will have the opportunity to meaningfully engage and work with young people. The partnership benefits our students through offering them new perspectives, meaningful engagement experience or unique opportunities.


As Student Energy was founded by youth to empower youth-led solutions and collaboration, our Youth Engagement Principles help ensure that our current and future programs continue to meet the needs of young people, globally. These guidelines inform our organizational priorities and strategic direction, and are also shared with all partners and collaborating organizations before beginning a partnership.

I. Ensure that opportunities facilitated by Student Energy are accessible for young people across geographical, financial, educational, ethnic, gender boundaries. For opportunities we are not directly involved in, be mindful to promote a balanced, diverse array of opportunities that are accessible for global youth.

II. Before attending an event or speaking engagement, consult the ‘Student Energy’s Purpose at Events’ document to ensure we are implementing our organization principles regarding youth engagement before, during and after the event.

III. Ensure that Student Energy’s communications and showcasing of student work represents and reflects the diversity of our network.

IV. Be transparent with our youth network on how and why we work with youth, and about funding and partnerships. Before collaborating with a partner, request that they do the same.

V. Elevate the profile of youth within our network to demonstrate results, barriers and possibilities.

VI. Advocate for event organizers and partners to give youth agency in program development and communicate to them how they can influence the organization.

VII. Ensure youth are well-supported to participate in any programs we organize or co- organize (i.e. financial barriers reduced, trained on topic and social situations, feel prepared).

VIII. Ensure all programs deliver on two or more components of Student Energy’s Theory of Change.

IX. Ensure that Student Energy’s programs provide students in our network with exposure to as many perspectives on energy as possible so students understand all avenues where they can make changes to the energy system.


Information Sharing: Should any individual wish to know the organizations who has supported or been approached to support Student Energy, all information will be freely shared. Note: No personal contact information collected by Student Energy will ever be shared with third parties for any reason.

In relation to privacy Student Energy Legally complies with GDPR and PIPEDA.

Should you have any questions about Student Energy’s partnership principles, please contact our Director of Partnerships.

Helen Watts

Director of Innovation and Partnerships, Student Energy Global

Last amended: January 27, 2020