Guided Project



We are a team of students taking part in the Student Energy Guided Projects program. SE Guided Projects provides post-secondary students with the training, mentorship and funding needed to develop clean energy projects in their communities. Through this program, our team is seeking to develop a solar energy project at Western University and is seeking to make a difference in our local community be promoting renewable energy.


Our team is a group of engineering students and environmental science students from WesternUniversity ranging from second to fifth year. We are united by our passion about the environment and hope to spark change towards cleaner and renewable energy.

Sam Moorsom
Team Lead – Fifth Year Chemical Engineering Student
Evan Park
Member – Second Year Chemical and Artificial Intelligence Student

Emma Stargratt
Member – Third Year Environmental Science Student
Chloe Chong
Member – Fifth Year Chemical Engineering Student
Babak Farzaneh
Member – Fifth Year Chemical Engineering Student


Sam Moorsom
Team Lead – Fifth Year Chemical Engineering Student
Evan Park
Member – Second Year Chemical and Artificial Intelligence Student

Emma Stargratt
Member – Third Year Environmental Science Student
Chloe Chong
Member – Fifth Year Chemical Engineering Student
Babak Farzaneh
Member – Fifth Year Chemical Engineering Student


The activities detailed below are performed by the student team, except the activities during the execution phase which are performed by the contractor with support from the team.


In the fall of 2021, a team of five Western Engineering students began devising a project for their final year engineering capstone that would satisfy both the course requirements of innovative design, and that would incorporate photovoltaic technology in order to take part in the Guided Projects program.

The team of students decided to develop a low-cost, modular solar carport structure with a unique, eye-catching design. Their design process involved mechanical and electrical engineering and took the better part of the academic year. Concurrently, the team worked to develop the project in reality by finding a site for the project, recruiting the owner to host it, finding EPCs to build the project and suppliers to provide the materials. The team also engaged funders, technical advisors and more.

Now, a fresh team of students are seeking to complete the project and install a photovoltaic carport system to the local Bostwick Community Centre in London, ON.


This project involves several different aspects such as EPC contractors, fundraising, and community engagement. If you would like to get involved in any capacity please reach out to with your availability and we can discuss further over a quick call!

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